I wanted to start this post with a photo. The above photo was taken by my friend Sharon who is living in California. She took it (I believe) while on vacation with her family in Yosemite National Park. (It is a National Park, right?) Anyway, it's one of my favourite photos and is far too beautiful not to share.
Anyway, on to today's post.
Did I tell you my word for the year was going to be PURPOSE? I know it’s already 3 months in but at least I figured it out before December!
I find if I wake up in the morning without a clear idea of what I’m doing, where I’m going or what needs to be accomplished that day, I don’t do so well. I flounder around trying to find things to do. Don’t misunderstand, there’s no shortage of things to do around here. Some things I really want to do, some things that just need doing and a whole bunch of things I’d really rather not do. But if I haven’t got that all worked out in my mind, I put off the things I don’t want to do, don’t feel like doing the things that need to be done and have a hard time giving myself permission to do those things I do want to do. Am I the only one?
That’s where my lists come in handy. I love my lists. They keep me focused and on track. They give me purpose.
So that’s my plan for the rest of the year. Each day, I need to have a purpose. That can be as self indulgent as finishing a new book, or as laborious as steam cleaning the carpets or as boring as making sure I get to the gym and put food on the table.
Today I certainly succeeded in living up to my word. I’m leaving tomorrow morning for a weekend of scrapbooking. I’m very excited. Today was spent getting ready to go. I had a ‘to do’ list as long as my arm and I am proud to say I crossed every last thing off that list and managed to meet a couple of friends this morning for a lovely cup of tea.
In case you’re wondering where I came up with this idea for word to live by, look here.
Purpose. That’s my word.