In an effort to blog again, I'm participating in The Simple Woman's Daybook. Because that's me. I'm simple. HA HA. Another idea stolen from Barb.
You can find the details here.
Outside my window . . . the weather is mild and the sun is
I am thinking . . . I need to get off this computer and down
to the market for fruits and veggies before the girls come home from school.
I am thankful . . . for a husband who supports me in what I
enjoy doing.
In the kitchen . . . it’s leftover night. Blah.
I am wearing . . . jeans and a hoodie.
I am creating . . . Project Life pages.
I am going . . . to music lessons tonight.
I am wondering . . . what I’ll do while my children are at their music lessons.
I am reading . . . Fall of Giants by Ken Follett and Quiet –
The Power of Introverts in a World that Doesn’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain.
I am hoping . . . I’ve made the right decision.
I am learning . . . to be happy with who I am.
Around the house . . . there are a lot of areas that need to
be sorted and organized.
I am pondering . . . the next couple of months and how they’re
going to pan out.
A favorite quote for today . . . Best friends are people you
don’t need to talk to every single day. You don’t need to talk to each other
for weeks, but when you do, it’s as if you didn’t even stop talking.
One of my favourite things . . . my iPod.
A few plans for the rest of the week . . . spending tomorrow
with Isobel due to her teacher protest day.
A peek into my day . . . tea with a friend this morning,
errands, laundry and a bit of scrapbooking before getting the girls from
school. A nice easy day.

Nice to hear about you from a trusted source! must tell me how that book "Quiet" turns out to be - I saw it when I was in Canada and wondered about it. xx
Sounds easy going... send me one of those days my way!
I read "Quiet" last year and loved it. It proved affirming for several things I knew intuitively (I am an introvert myself) but hadn't seen officially on paper.
Which goes along well with this that you wrote:
"I am learning . . . to be happy with who I am." :-)
Thanks for sharing your Daybook.
I really want to get that book. I've been thinking about it since you told me about it earlier this week.
must check out the book about introverts
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