I’ve been sitting here in my comfy chair for far too long, happily engrossed in my final pages of last years’ 365 album. There was a time, not too long ago, when that would not, could not, have happened. Today, Dave was at the gym, Isobel was at a friend’s house, and Meredith was happily working away in the kitchen with Ally on a science project. (There were knives and hot glue but I left them to it – aren’t you proud of me?)
And now, Dave is sitting next to me reading a book.
It is positively peaceful. I never thought this day would come. Back when the girls were little, it was a constant cycle of feeding, playing, soothing, helping, changing, pacifying and entertaining. Even the smallest task was monumental and required a great deal of thought and planning. There are certain things I miss about those days. To a certain degree, I miss being needed. I miss the playing and the interaction. But it’s all good. Life moves forward.
And on that philosophical note, I am officially done my P365 for 2010. I can’t believe I made it another year. There were times when I was very far behind. There were times when I was short photos and there were even times when I just didn’t want to do it anymore. But I am so glad I did.
Here they are:
I’ll be doing it again for 2011 with a slightly different format, but I’ll post more on that later.
Thanks for looking.