Thursday, May 13, 2010

What next?

I’ve had a little bit of pressure to post, so here it goes.

Last week, I dislocated my right index finger.

Now that the eye issued is almost resolved I found I wasn’t getting enough attention so I figured I needed to do something drastic.

After I mowed the lawn last Tuesday (for the first time in years!), I was hanging the lawn mower back up on the wall of the shed and my finger popped out of the joint. It wouldn't straighten and was pointing towards my pinkie finger. Nasty. It doesn't really look that bad here, but trust me, it was not nice.

I’ve done it before, so I knew exactly what happened and I knew what needed to be done to set it right, but Meredith had to be at her musical theatre that night with full make-up and hair. She did most of the make-up herself --- quite nicely actually --- and Dave helped with the hair. From the front, she looked great and they were doing photos so I figured it was okay.

I went to the walk in clinic and the doctor there sent me to the hospital. I needed x-rays and a little freezing and


the joint was back in place.

It was splinted for just over a week and while it’s still bruised and a little tender, I’ve got full use of my hand again.

I wonder what’s next???


nicola said...

what's next crazy lady??? Glad your finger is feeling better! Mer looks like you in that pic! Boy is she getting big :(

Lisa said...

I actually thought that was you for a quick second. Sorry to hear about your finger and hope its healing fast.

Lori Ann Comeau said...

Is this a sign of us aging? I am sorry to hear about your finger and hope you are on the mend. Lesson, don't do the lawn mowing ever again. xo