I'm a little late with this one. Over on the Use Your Stuff Blog, the challenge for the week was to use Washi Tape on your project. I must admit, I did not do this project specifically for this challenge, but thought it was appropriate.
Dave bought me a Moleskine Travel Journal for our summer vacation (more on that later - it was spectacular!). The cover was plain black and I thought it was a little boring so I jazzed it up with some Washi. I also covered the tabs inside with Washi and coordinated the design on the tape with each leg of the trip. I love me a decorated notebook!!! I even took Washi on the trip with me so that when I recorded the details of our days I could decorate the page with the right Washi. I think I have a little too much time on my hands.
First of all, Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians out there!! I hope you enjoyed your day off!!!
This week on the Use Your Stuff blog, Lynne challenged us to use a filmstrip on our page. I love the look of filmstrips on a page. I think they're a great way to get a lot of photos on a page especially when you're photos have a sequence. I did this page about my beautiful, silly teenager. I hope she stays this silly forever.