Friday, December 11, 2009


Tomorrow is Meredith' 12th birthday and I can hardly believe it. Where does the time go? Where did my little baby girl go? She is growing up to be a beautiful girl - both inside and out - and I am proud to be her Mom every single second of every single day.

She's having ice cream with her school mates tonight then relaxing at home for most of the day tomorrow. We'll be heading to Niagara Falls Saturday night to see the Festival of Lights. The big party comes later in the month when we'll be taking the Roberts' girls into Toronto for a day of fun!!

I'll post more about our birthday celebrations later!!!


Dee said...

I found your blog recenlty by clickingthe 'next blog tab. I sometimes find treasures that way.
your post is the second one thiss moring expressing the same ssentiment - our children grow up sooooo fast. my three are all teens and the eldest just turned 18 and I am still trying to get my head around it. the years have gone by to quickly. When they were little and i was tired all the time and someone would sstop to admire them and comment how fast they grow up - I didn't believe them. I wanted that stage where i was exhased all the timme to just get done. now it is just a distant memory and it did go by too quickly. now nothing slows down their growing up and soon two will be leaving me. - one to uni and another to board so she can attend a specialst school for senior. oh dear.

Milena said...

Thanks Dee!!!! Good luck with the next school year.

Anonymous said...

Is that the
dee I knew?? Mum