Monday, October 26, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009

Thanks for looking and I hope you and yours had a great Thanksgiving weekend. It’s back to the real world tomorrow.
Gobble. Gobble.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursday Thirteen
My friend Barb does the Thursday Thirteen most weeks and in my new found desire to blog more I thought I’d try it. If you’d like to participate, go here.
This is a list of 13 things that are on my Never Ending To Do List right now (in no particular order). Most of them have been there for some time.
1. Paint all the hallways in the house. It’s been a few years since we did this last and I’m starting to be quite annoyed by the gouges, scratches and little fingerprints that just won’t wash away.
2. Replace the pot lights in the kitchen and paint the ceiling. We have just recently evicted our little squirrel friend who decided to make our ceiling its home and munch away on the wires for our pot lights. We are left with a patchy ceiling and lights that no longer sit nicely in their holes. Plus one light works some days, but not on others.
3. Tile the backsplash in the kitchen. It can’t be that hard, can it? I know Home Depot offers seminars on various DIY projects for women. I’m hoping to take one of those.
4. Go on a hike with the girls and Dave. This one isn’t actually on my To Do list but I really want to do it.
5. Finish the half completed albums in my drawer. I’ve got an "All About Me" album, one from our trip in 2001 to St. Petersburg Florida, and both of the girl’s school albums which have not been updated since Grade 3 and JK. They are in Grade 7 and Grade 3 now.
6. Order and do pages from Donna Downey. I love the fabric, dimension and colours in her kits. Just yummy.
7. Try my hand at a mosaic page. I’ve carefully collected all the required supplies. Now I just have to do it. You can see some examples here.
8. Rip all my CD’s onto my computer so I can play them through iTunes and on my iPod. I’m going to need to get myself an EHD before I can accomplish this one. My computer is getting quite full.
9. Steam clean the carpets. It’s gotta be done.
10. Catch up on my Project 365 pages and all the digi pages I’ve got planned out and ready to go. I think I need more hours in the day.
11. Get to the LCBO to stock up on wine for the Holiday Season. You just never know when you’ll need to go somewhere and bring a bottle with you, or when someone might drop by for a Christmas drink. Right now, we are totally out of wine, so don’t drop by for a drink. We’d have to pull out the hard stuff.
12. Clean the stovetop. I did some serious ‘boiling over’ yesterday and haven’t managed to clean it yet.
13. Paint the door to the basement. We have a french door at the bottom of the basement stairs that opens up into the playroom. About 3 years ago I carefully taped each and every window in the door so I could paint it. I don’t know what happened but I never got around to it and I notice the tape is all gone. I guess I’ll have to start all over.…
Well, that’s my 13. Most of these have been on my list a long long time. I’m skeptical I’ll ever get all of them done. I was going to say if I won the lottery, I’d have the time to do them but quite frankly if I won the lottery, I think I’d pay someone to do most of them.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
I'm Back . . . Again
I think.
It’s been a long time but I’ve been quite busy. School is back in and I’ve been struggling with establishing some kind of regular routine. I’m determined to increase my activity this year and am either walking or running 6 days a week. It’s a lot to fit in and I’m convinced that’s why I’m having such a tough time carving out time for things like this blog, but I know it’s the right thing to do so I’m not giving it up.
Briefly, here’s what’s happened here over the past couple of months:
We went to Lion’s Head for a week and had a great time. We hopped on the Chi-Cheemaun for a day trip to Manitoulin Island and enjoyed numerous beaches including Sauble Beach and Singing Sands. It was a great trip.
We went to the Ex before school went back in. I always have a great time there.
Both girls are back at school and settling in nicely. It seems to be a bit harder this year to get the older one up and out of the house in the morning, but we’re getting there!! They are in grades 3 and 7 this year. I find that remarkably hard to believe.
Dave and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary and his 41st birthday.
Isobel celebrated her 8th birthday with a party at the Airborne Trampoline Centre. We had 15 children in attendance and they jumped almost non stop for an hour. It was great. After the party our good friends Emma and Megan spent the night. It’s always good to have those girls over.
Isobel got a Chinese Fighting Fish named Fisher Jack for her birthday from Meredith, who has already died. (The fish, not Meredith!!) It was quite traumatic and I didn’t even manage to get a photo of him. He has since been replaced with Swimmer Leo.
Meredith seems to have had a growth spurt. None of her clothes from June fit her now. Even the pants I got her in late July don’t fit so we’ve been doing some shopping.
I’ve been working hard on my 365 pages. Here are a couple of them: