Here are the girls behind the wheel. I'm not sure who was more excited -- Dave or the girls. He took both of them for a spin. They said he went crazy around the corners. Ha. I'm not surprised. Isobel particularly enjoyed sitting in the front seat.
For Isobel's birthday, we had a special breakfast celebration in the morning and went to Dairy Queen for dinner. She had her party with her friends on Friday. We had 17 kids at the house for Sportball in the backyard. Everyone had a good time. We had hotdogs and cake and lots of happy children.

I'm still working on my Type + Writer pages, even though the class is officially over. I'm having a tough time with some of the pages. They're just not the pages I would usually do. Here's are a couple of my recent pages:

Templates for both pages were provided by Jessica Sprague for Type + Writer as were all supplies. I know I have more to say but I'm too tired and if I don't get off this computer soon, I'll never get to sleep!! Good night.