I’m behind on my blog posts. Seriously behind. Neglectful might be a better word.
I’m behind on my 365 pages. I love those pages. I love to look back over the course of the year and see what’s happened. The everyday moments that get lost if we don’t record them. I have too many of those from my own childhood and I want to make sure my children remember what our life is like right here, right now. Because it’s pretty darn good.
I’m behind on my laundry. Every day.
I’m behind on my spring cleaning. Why do we do spring cleaning anyway? When the spring arrives, I just want to be outside. Of course, this year was perfect for it with all the rain we’ve had, but I’m still behind.
I’m behind on my scrapbooking. I haven’t managed to do a lot of that lately. I miss it.
I’m behind on my organization. Does that make sense? I like to keep things in order (I know some of you are shaking your heads right now!!). I am a bit of a freak in this area, but right now it’s making me crazy. I don’t do well in chaos and I feel like that is a constant state for me lately.
However, I have been productive in other areas.
My website is almost up and running. You can find it here but be warned, it’s not done yet.
Andrea’s website is here. Hers is pretty much done. It’s constantly changing and I’m so proud of her for how she’s built up her business.
The school Spring Fair is over and it was a huge success. I’m quite proud of the logo I designed and the communications I sent out for it. It’s a lot of work but we raised a ton of money for the school. It’s great to work with such a large group of committed, giving, tireless women.
Thanks for not giving up on me and checking back here regularly or adding me to your Google Reader. I appreciate it.
Have yourself a wonderful day. And do me a favour, do something for YOU today. Something entirely selfish.
Then tell me what you did. I’d love to hear from you!!