What was I thinking? And why is it that I consistently think that if the girls are home I’m going to suddenly have all kinds of free time? Yes, I didn’t have to leap out of bed this past week to make breakfast and lunches and get everyone safely off to school, however, I still needed to do the shopping, the cleaning, the laundry, the exercising and the working that I normally do during their school day. I don’t know what I was thinking when I wrote that I would let everything slide. I just couldn’t do it. If anything, I was busier this week than I normally am when they are in school. We managed to head to Niagara Falls for 2 days and tour the Aviary, ride the bumper cars, play mini golf and spend lots of time at the Waterpark. We saw our friends the Roberts for some crafting, some lunch and some bowling. I met with my favourite client on Thursday for a brainstorming session and accomplished a lot, and we went to Medieval Times on Friday. It was a good week and I think we managed to balance our busy times with relaxing times at home in front of the TV, with a book or a with a game. I do enjoy having them home, but I have to remember, it doesn’t actually mean I have more free time. Just different time.
Having said that, here are the pages I got done today. I am loving the format I’ve chosen for this year. It’s fast and efficient. I’m totally and completely up to date now. I can’t believe I almost considered not continuing this year.
Thanks for looking and have a great day.