We have a snow day here in Southern Ontario. It’s snowing and blowing like crazy outside. What better way to spend a snow day than in the house with the kiddies. We’ve watched a movie and I thought it was a good opportunity to get this digital page completed. It’s been sitting in my computer waiting for some time now:
This one I completed some time ago but forgot to share it:
I also found these ones hiding in my hard drive:
I think I’ve shared some of them in an online gallery, but not here. Forgive me if you’ve seen them before.
I am doing my P365 this year but am terribly behind. I’ve been working on designing business cards, stationary and a website for a friend of mine and everything else seems to have fallen by the wayside. The website is due to be up and running by the end of February, so I’ll get back on track with the P365 then.
In the meantime, if you’re in Ontario, relax and enjoy the beauty of the snow. Don’t fight it. It’s not going away anytime soon. Just stay in your house and snuggle up with a good book or whatever you do to relax and if you must go out, please drive carefully.