Monday, June 21, 2010

Anne of Green Gables

Meredith’s performance of Anne of Green Gables was last week. She’s worked hard all year long to prepare herself for these couple of nights.

She did a great job.

When she first found out her role, she was quite disappointed. Her role on Thursday night was of Mrs. Allan, the pastor’s wife and on Friday she played Mrs. Sadler, a lady interested in buying Green Gables. Neither were huge roles but, let me tell you, she did a great job with both of them.

I was impressed with how well she acted. She didn’t merely recite her lines, she truly acted them. Her character was convincing. She spoke strong and true. And she didn’t miss a single line. She actually added some in! A cue was missed and instead of standing around looking blank waiting for the other actor to make their entrance, she improvised.

I am so impressed with her hard work and her dedication and the way she rose to the challenge and played the best part she could play even though it wasn’t really the part she wanted.

Way to go Meredith.


Barbara said...

way to go Meredith! I love her costumes and she really did look the part. How exciting for you both.

Nicola said...

Meredith was AWESOME!!!! We were so proud of her! Great pictures Milena!