I’m doing my best with these 365 pages but I don’t seem to be able to get caught up. I got this one completed today so I’m actually only a couple of weeks behind. Some weeks I do a good job with the photo taking and other weeks I find myself scrambling to take photos that represent our life right now. I do believe I will do it again for 2010 but I need to shake it up a little to keep it interesting.

Our weekend was a good one. We went into Toronto to the AGO on Saturday to see the King Tut exhibit. I know I saw that myself when I was a child but I don’t remember much of it except the chocolate King Tut on a stick I got when it was over. I didn’t manage to get a chocolate this time but I think I took more away from the exhibit than I did when I was a child. It was crowded and hard to get a good look at the artifacts but it is truly amazing that such riches were buried and undiscovered for so long.
Dave and I watched Angels and Demons last night. I tried to read the novel a couple of months ago but couldn’t make it through. I found the movie fascinating. I’m not one to watch a movie more than once, but I think I would like to with that one. I think I’ll also take another crack at the book (when I’ve finished the 15 or so waiting for me by my night table!!).
Today Meredith went to a movie with a friend and Isobel had a friend over then Skyped with Victoria in Australia. I got some chores done, and some laundry done, and some scrapping done.
It was a very nice, well rounded weekend. How was yours?
LOL about the King Tut chocolate. Too bad they didn't have them this time. That would definately be a photo op.
Brings memories of 1st time around for your mother, too...
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